Dr Wayne Koster works at the Arthur Rylah Institute at the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA). Wayne leads and manages a scientific research program in the Applied Aquatic Ecology Section in relation to the conservation management of native fish in aquatic ecosystems in south-east Australia. Research interests include migratory fish and understanding the potential impacts of human activities (e.g., altered hydrology) on migration, and the likely responses to management actions (e.g., restoring flow cues) intended to facilitate migration. Wayne’s research projects include the freshwater and oceanic migrations of Australian anguillids eels using acoustic and satellite telemetry, environmental drivers of diadromous fish migration using passive integrated transponder (PIT) technology, movement and spawning behaviour of golden perch and silver perch in lowland rivers using acoustic telemetry and drift sampling, and fine-scale habitat use of freshwater fishes (e.g., long-finned eel, trout cod, freshwater catfish, river blackfish) using radio telemetry. A strong focus of this work is to help inform and support management strategies to improve our capacity to provide the conditions required to conserve fish populations.